Summer Days Are Here Again

Growing up, summer was always a really magical time of year. Some of my favorite memories are sleeping outside on the deck with my brothers and sisters, playing night games and going swimming. Endless swimming.

When I was young I spent June through August in a swim suit, and that’s what I want for my kids; the fun and adventure that only a hot, hot summer can offer.

Other than loving to wear shorts (or a speedo), Kampbell doesn’t do well during the summer months. He relies so much on structure that any break in routine (i.e. no school) sends him into a downward spiral of regression. Our house is very structured with routine, but I cannot replicate school. I don’t have seven aids to be with him all the time and a classroom full of other kids – also being forced to be social. I keep a strict routine as best I can while trying to meet the needs of my two other kids.

The older Kampbell is getting, the less we are able to “just take him along.” Jesse and I love camping and would love to take our kids, but Kamp doesn’t do well outside the comfort of his own bed. So, we just don’t go.

Water parks are too busy and it’s impossible to wrangle my toddler (Max), and try to keep Kamp contained too. So, we don’t do water parks either. Every year our summer options become less and less.

This summer more than ever has become less about adventures and more about picking and choosing what we deem really “worth it.” Jesse and I ask ourselves, “Is this trip worth all the effort?” If the answer isn’t a resounding yes, then we’ve decided we aren’t going to put forth the effort.

The closer summer gets, the more anxiety I have. Kamp has come so far this year and I’m worried about the break. He struggled after Christmas and it was hard to watch him fall apart again.

I am becoming more conflicted as summer approaches. I want to experience the fun and adventure of a summer with my children, but I have one who can’t always deal with the stress an adventure is sure to bring.

This blog began last year as a way to survive the summer with Kamp, and here we are facing another one. I figure, let’s get this party started; with tears and laughter, ups and downs, maybe even some sweet summer hits to rock out to. It’s first grade or bust baby!!!!

One thought on “Summer Days Are Here Again

  1. Love you! We’ll be closer soon, then we can have Kamp come hang out with us while you take Hadley and Max other places. Still adventures, but different ones.

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